Inflation rate | Bitcoin inflated from 0 BTC to more than 18,000,000 BTC over 12 years with high inflation earlier on. Inflation is paid to miners securing the network. Few recognize that Bitcoin's price went up faster when it was a younger network with a higher inflation rate, because multiplying user count matters more. | HEX completed its high inflation phase in the first year. Now the inflation is capped at a maximum of 3.69% a year which is paid to Miners for holding up the price. HEX Miners make a multiple higher profit in HEX from Mining than the annual inflation rate. Currently 38% APY on average vs a inflation rate of only 3.69%. To HEX miners, inflation is a benefit, not a cost. HEX’s inflation is delayed as it's only paid on ended Mining - and many last 15 years (more than 5 years on average). |
Inflation usage | Miners destroy the environment with hardware from mining equipment companies. The miners have to sell the freshly mined BTC to pay for electricity. It's Proof of Waste: you have to waste energy to let computers do useless calculations. | Instead of sending your money to a mega-corp to buy mining equipment which shows up late, used, or never at all, you can skip the depreciating asset and electricity bills and just mine your coins. HEX does not have to secure a network: it utilizes another network called PulseChain by paying PulseChain Validators transaction fees. This way the inflation of HEX can go to Miners for holding the price up. It's Proof of Wait: you get paid for Mining HEX because you're helping the price to appreciate without any negative externalities. |
Inflation distribution | Miners mint new BTC by their % of the total hashrate. You get more hashrate by buying more mining hardware. Each Bitcoin mining machine earns less and less BTC over time as difficulty rises. Profits must be reinvested in newer hardware, as older hardware becomes unprofitable. | Miners mint new HEX by their % of the total shares. You get more shares by Mining longer. You don't need any special hardware to Mine, your phone is sufficient. |
Network protection | Total hashrate is value invested in the protocol, it protects against 51%-attacks. | HEX has no need for protecting against 51%-attack because PulseChain already does that for HEX. |
Complexity | To set up a mining facility you need to find profitable geographic locations with cool temperatures and low electricity prices. Rent property to operate in. Hire technicians to set up the mining equipment. Order mining hardware and wait weeks to months until it arrives. It is impossible for the average user to mine Bitcoin profitably. |
You can Mine your HEX with the click of a button without any need for special hardware. The only costs for doing so are PulseChain transaction fees (usually less than $1). |
Profitability | Profits are razor thin. The increasing difficulty ensures than all the miners on earth have to split a block reward of only 6.25 BTC between them. Most of that is used to pay for electricity & mining hardware. It's a highly inefficient system. You can even lose because your mining profits might not be enough to pay for electricity & hardware. A mining operation might take years to be profitable. | HEX Mining average 38% APY. You don't need to buy any special hardware. |
Cloud mining | You can pay a middle man to invest your money into their mining operation. In case that company is not a scam & profitable you can get some razor thin returns on your investment. In 99% of cases it would be more profitable to just buy Bitcoin. | In HEX, there are no middlemen. You can easily manage Mining yourself. There is no risk of some company going bankrupt. |
Generational warfare | New miners have an advantage over old miners, because they are more energy-efficient. | In HEX, it's reversed: old Miners have an advantage over new ones, because the share price measured in HEX only rises (over 10,000x so far!). |
Beating the competition | Miners get paid more when other miners turn their machines off. | Miners get paid more when other Miners stop mining. HEX Miners also get a bonus if others stop Mining early or late. |
Negative externalities | Bitcoin miners consume as much electricity as a medium sized country. Even though a part of that is renewable energy, a lot isn't. Miners harm the environment to sell down the Bitcoin price. | Mining HEX is easy. It doesn't require any know how, facilities, electricity bills, hardware... or paying one of a few companies in hope they send you working hardware in a timely manner, that it clears customs, works in your facility and your breakers can take the load. There is no sell pressure on HEX’s price to pay facilities, hardware, maintenance, electricity, decommissioning of old hardware and buying new one. There are no middlemen. HEX is not a Ponzi scheme. Only you interact with the smart contract. No one owes anybody anything. |
Compounding rewards | The profit of Bitcoin mining facilities only compounds slightly by investing the razor thin profits into new mining operations. Miners can not make more profit than the block reward and some transactions fees. | Compounding is simulated by a share price that is measured in HEX and only rises, making each T-Share more expensive in HEX over time. It is more computationally efficient to reduce new Miners' shares by writing a single new share price than it would be to write thousands of compounded shares' profit to existing miners. This is similar to how Bitcoin updates its difficulty every 14 days. Imagine watching your Mining HEX earn more HEX, while the share price goes up and the USD/BTC/ETH price of HEX goes up too. The gains multiply by each other. |
Counterparty risk | To earn interest on your Bitcoin you have to lend them out to a third party and pray that they are giving them back to you. The yield for doing so is very low compared to HEX, usually around 5-10% APY. Also you don't get a bonus for "mining" longer. These centralized parties are security holes that are often hacked, destroy privacy, or introduce fees if you want to get your funds out. Billions of dollars in coins sent to bad exchanges and bad lenders have been stolen. Not your keys, not your coins. |
HEX replaces these third parties with a trustless peer-to-peer to system: to earn yield on your HEX you just Mine them. No need for a third party, no middlemen, no counterparty risk. You do all the work. Nobody owes you anything, you only ever owe your future self. HEX Mining average 38% APY depending on how long they Mine. Not a single Hexican has ever lost any HEX to something like a bankrupt lending platform because they don't have to give their HEX to somebody else to earn rewards on them! |
Whales | Over 12 years 2,000 addresses have accumulated 42% of all Bitcoin. The founder of Bitcoin "Satoshi Nakamoto" still owns around 5% of all coins. | HEX lets you own a larger part of the total supply than Bitcoin will. If you're all in on Bitcoin, the % you own of the network gets smaller every 10 minutes. The miners keep diluting your share with the new coins they get and you don't. If you traded all of your Bitcoin for HEX you would own a much larger % of the total HEX than you did of Bitcoin. |
1000x | A 1000x in Bitcoin is practically impossible at this point due to its huge liquidity. The more of something is available on the market, the more economic energy it takes to move the price. | A new, first of its kind, coin is a new opportunity to get in before everyone else and make 1000x returns. |
Addressable market | Bitcoin wants to replace gold (a $8T market). | HEX addresses Store of Value, currency and Certificates of Deposit (or "Time Deposits"). Markets that Bitcoin can't address. All of them combined are worth around $100T. |